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What happens before a transplant?

First of all, after the potential donor's death and the evaluation of his or her organs, the conservation of these is very important. With respect to the brain death, after assuring the absolute absence of cerebral response, the corpse must be connected to an artificial respirator, for maintaining the air and blood circulation. Because of the importance of the maintenance, these type of donors should die in the intensive care unit. Regarding the non-heart-beating deaths, donors' organs are kept via perfusion (introduction of blood intravenously) and cooling

When the hospital has donor's datum and the autorisation(s) (familiar and judicial), calls the ONT's central office (excepting with the kidney's donations, these follows local criterion). Here, they have the national list of people who are waiting a transplant. From the ONT, the distribution of the organs is made, following some clinical and territorial rules, which are based on equity and justice. This also happens with the non-directed living donors. Once this is made, the national organization coordinates the transport of the organs and finally, the transplant is carried out.


After guaranteeing organs safety, the interview with the family takes place, for asking for the consent. When the death is cardiac, family must take the decision quicklier due to the damage of the organs. In case of a violent or accidental death a judge must authorise the process, so that doesn't affect the follow-up of the judicial causes. 

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