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The centers have to deal with 3 types of procedures while they are working with the body. For example, they can be with the body all time they want , but sometimes this is not allowed and after some time they have to return the body. Also, the centre organises a funeral, after returning the body to the family.

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There is a not very usual aspect of donation which is very important and maintains the constant improvement of medicine. This is the donation to science.

For donating your body for scientific researches, you cannot directly donate your body to science, but you can donate it to some centres that can make useful things with this.  


They normally maintain the bodies in formol swimmingpools, this substance prevents the cellular self-destruction. However, the use of fridge chambers is getting more and more popular.

Anually, more than 2,000 students from differents careers use this bodies for a lot of different things. On the one hand, thanks to the donors, young surgeons practice, so they can get experience. This is a way of saving lives and reducing surgeries' mistakes. On the other hand, some expert surgeons use them to put into practice some experimental procedures.

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For example, Mario Fernández, developed a technique for extracting the tumours located in the pharynx and laryns through the mouth, avoiding like this incisions and complications. In addition, the bodies are also used by anaesthetists (for reducing the required quantity, by applying it in strategic points) and engineers for testing new prostheses.

This type of processes require some very important protocols. For example, the family mustn't call a funeral parlor, instead, they must call directly the centre. Apart from this, the family receives a certificate of death which verifies the death's identity. By the time, the organs have to be incinerated or, if the family is in talks with the faculty, they can earn them.

In Spain, the most important centres where this type of donation is carried out are the University of Madrid and Barcelona. In the last one, they receive around 250 bodies each year. 

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